Narconon Drug Prevention & Education, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation in California. Its purpose is the reduction and ultimately the elimination of drug abuse in our society through the education of children, parents and teachers concerning the dangers and traps of drugs.
“I thought the talk was great because he was not trying to scare us — he was trying to make us understand drugs and what they do to our bodies. My thoughts changed very much. Just because of the popularity, I didn’t realize how dangerous certain drugs were.”
“It (the talk) was good. It felt like the speaker was talking with us like friends more than lecturing us. I’ve thought about trying weed before but now it just seems stupid.”
“I know more about drugs now and reasons and ways to say no to them. Drugs are wrong. I’m amazed that anyone would use them. I can use this to say no to drugs and tell others to not do them.”
“I know that without a doubt drugs are harmful. I would never ever do drugs! I always thought if it makes people happy, how bad could it be? WRONG. Now I know that even the first time you could die.”
“For the past four years, my 7th grade Health classes have been incredibly fortunate to have Narconon presentations as part of their alcohol, tobacco and drug education. The presentations are excellent and engaging for the students. I always look forward to furthering my instruction with these visits and I consider each presentation one of the most important days in my curriculum. Thank you for helping my students make healthier decisions with their lives.”
“I liked that he didn’t try to scare kids away from drugs or say, ‘Just say no.’ He educated our students and kept their attention with humor.”
“An extremely effective mix of humor, information and real-life experiences. I also like the absence of moralizing—kids never respond to that. He did a fantastic job of relating to the students and maintaining their interest.”
“The message that Narconon brings to our children is the reality of the impact of drug involvement on young lives. As a follow up to these assemblies, I asked our students what they learned. The messages came through loud and clear, ‘It is never right to take drugs and I’m not going to hurt myself or let my friends get involved.’ ”